Monday, March 06, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Way over due
This post has been a long time coming, but it has just been too hard to do. Josh Torrence is the son of my friend, Regina, and her husband Vernon. Regina and I had been extremely close friends, working together and hanging out together after work. She and Vernon have 3 kids, Josh, Vanessa, and Raquel, who I absolutely adored. But as many friends do, we lost touch gradually, always promising to call, going longer between calls, until finally the calls stopped altogether. I thought about Regina and her family many times but somehow never did get around to calling. So imagine my shock and horror when I saw on the news that Josh had been killed in Iraq. Little Josh, who always had his head stuck under the car his Dad was working on, asking a million questions. Little Josh, who was bursting with pride and excitement as we watched a passing glimpse of him and Vernon working as extras in a major movie. Little Josh, who somehow during the years of being out of touch with Regina, had turned into a giant, 6' 2" and 260-pound football player. Little Josh, who no longer was a boy, but a man who chose to serve his country. A man who chose to join the Marines because they expected the most out of you. A man who knew he faced a good chance of going to war and even giving his life. Which is what happened in Iraq on March 14, 2005. Little Josh, who I knew as a curious and fun-loving boy, was coming home a fallen hero. It tears me up knowing that the whole time he was in Iraq, I could have and should have been praying for his safety. Instead I am left praying for his parents, his sisters, and the girlfriend (who I have never met but have heard a lot about) he left behind. I am not here to debate whether the war is right or wrong. I am simply wanting to honor and pay my respects to a young man who was self-less enough to give his life for us. Whether the war is right or wrong, a LOT of men and women have paid the ultimate price for us. For me. And for my son, who is too young to even know what war is. Thank you Josh. And thank you to all the men and women who are serving this country, serving us, to keep us safe. Even if you are opposed to the war, please take a moment and realize that people like Josh have given us the ability to vocalize our opinions in the first place. Please, take a minute and visit the following website; it is an amazing but emotionally difficult page to visit: